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Feb 22, 2021
The air around us
by Josh Skyler and Sami Etsimaje From birth we have remained cultivated to seize its very being In death we grasp the helm of its sleeve...
Feb 19, 2021
My 2021 F1 Predictions
by Daniel Roodt The 2020 Formula 1 (F1) season was one like no other. The start of the season was postponed until July due to COVID-19....
Feb 19, 2021
If only
by Josh Skyler I live in a world where to hurt is love and to love is pain I live in a world where the innocent run and the guilty reign...
Feb 17, 2021
Editorial: The closet was suffocating me
by Langa Mohlala “It’s just a phase.” “Maybe you should experiment for a bit longer instead of making an impulsive decision [by coming...
Feb 17, 2021
“X” marks the spot: When fashion brands collaborate with artists and A-listers
by Jade Rhode How cool is it when people come together to collaborate? But how iconic is it when artists or celebrities collaborate with...
Feb 14, 2021
Why humanity being virtually clueless about the ocean could be a good thing
by Carmen Visser Over 70% of the earth’s surface is covered by a saltwater ocean. This ocean is divided into geographical regions, namely...
Feb 14, 2021
Thandiwe Mkhondo: An artist, a healer, a creative
by Paloma Giustizieri The swoosh of a lighter ignites a candle, then a stick of white sage incense. Thandiwe calls upon and welcomes her...
Feb 1, 2021
Restaurants in Makhanda: People, power and the pandemic
by Savannah Ingham COVID-19 and the ensuing lockdown of South Africa has been a painful experience for many reasons. It has been...
Jan 25, 2021
Chocolate: To eat or not to eat
by Carmen Visser “Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get,” Forrest Gump. Chocolate: a tasty and tempting...
Jan 18, 2021
Let's get down to Earth
by Tauri Kerr “Get yourself grounded and you can navigate even the stormiest roads in peace.” – Steve Goodier. During these tumultuous...
Jan 18, 2021
Gender and fashion - An evolving relationship
by Nosipho Mathaba Fashion is denoted as any form of clothing, accessories and/or furniture. However, fashion cannot be reduced to just...
Jan 11, 2021
Your birth chart explained
by Langa Mohlala Understanding your place under the stars. Most people know and have a basic understanding of their star sign. We can...
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